The ideal pan for just about everything!
With 7½ cm hight, the saute pan is deeper than the frying pan. This makes the saute pan perfect for the preparation of dishes need a little more volume, like casseroles, pasta sauce, stews or baked potatoes.
And of course for just about everything you would normally prepare in the shallower frying pan.
Hochrandpfanne für Induktion
Auch geeignet für Gas, Ceranfeld und zurück nach Induktion.
Due to stock issues, will be closed for orders this summer
Durchmesser | 20 cm., 24 cm., 28 cm., 32 cm. |
Stiel | wooden handle, bakelite handle, detachable handle |
Deckel | one Deckel, Pyrex Deckel, Aludeckel |
Lieferbar in den Formaten:
ø 20 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 1,50 l
ø 24 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 2,00 l
ø 28 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 2,50 l
ø 32 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 3,50 l
ø 20 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 1,50 l
ø 24 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 2,00 l
ø 28 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 2,50 l
ø 32 cm. | Höhe 7,5 cm. | Inhalt 3,50 l
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